PPN Hospital

We the four Public Sector General Insurance Companies National Insurance Co. Ltd, New India Assurance Co. Ltd and United India Insurance Co. Ltd, Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. are privileged to serve millions of valued customers like you under our Health Insurance policies. Mounting losses in health insurance is a matter of concern not just for us, but also for society. Increased outgo towards claims would deplete the sum insured available to the customers for future contingencies. Persistent losses would also entail increase in premium. To address these concerns we have instituted an initiative for rationalizing health care costs through a mechanism called Preferred Provider Network (PPN). Under PPN, which is effective from 1st July 2010, Cashless facility for Hospitalization would be provided at those Hospitals which have agreed to a preferential pricing for our customers, resulting in lesser outgo towards claims and leaving the customer with a higher sum insured available to his future needs. We have endeavored to ensure that the network of hospitals in widened so as to facilitate service to our customers. We have also advised the Third Party Administrators to provide cashless access to emergency and trauma cases even at hospitals which are not part of PPN. With a month of starting this exercise, the number of hospitals in the network has been increased by 16% and our TPAs are enrolling many more hospitals in the network. The list of hospitals in the PPN is displayed in our websites and also in the websites of the TPAs. We have also issued a Public Notice in the newspapers on 15th July 2010 and 30th July 2010 informing our customers of this Preferred Provider Network .We are enclosing the list of hospitals in our PPN and as and when new hospitals are added, the same may be ascertained with the TPAs or by logging on to our websites. We may also add that we do not intend to restrict the choice of the customer to a limited network of hospitals. The customer is free to choose a hospital of choice which could be outside the PPN, and in such cases our health policies would respond by way of reimbursement to expenses under the terms of the policy. In case of emergency admission, customers are free to choose any network hospital for cashless facility. We reaffirm our commitment to you, our customer, and seek your

In PPN cities, cashless facility will be allowed only in the PPN Network to the policyholders of Oriental Insurance Company Limited (either for Corporate or Retail).

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